When it comes to creating glowing skin, probably the most important aspect is to understand the connection between what is happening inside your body and how it can affect your outward appearance. One area that experts are looking at lately is the connection between the stomach and the way digestion problems can manifest on your skin.
Research has found that there is an “intimate, bidirectional connection between the gut and skin. When the skin cell turnover functions properly, the structure of the skin serves as an effective skin barrier with the ability to limit evaporation, preserve skin moisture, and protect from invasion by foreign organisms and substances.”1 Through its influence of signaling pathways to coordinate bodily processes, the microbiome of the gut impacts overall health and the skin.
Probiotics are live bacteria that support the healthy ones in your body. Not all bacteria are bad – the good bacteria are vital for a functioning, healthy body. A healthy gut is down to the health of microbes, which is the collection of all the diverse bacteria in our gut, known as the gut microbiome. The microbiome has far-reaching health effects and can even help with acne, eczema, and psoriasis.
A poor diet or unbalanced microbes in your gut can lead to pesky breakouts. No amount of care and attention you pay to your skin will work if your stomach isn’t happy. If you feel like you’ve tried everything for your skincare regime, then it’s time to look to the gut.
There are hundreds of types of bacteria in our guts, so eating a diverse healthy diet will help different species to grow and thrive. Unfortunately, the western diet isn’t very diverse and contains a lot of fat and sugar. Eating diverse cuisine can ensure you’re getting all the good bacteria you need for a healthy gut and glowing skin.
How can Probiotics help my Skin?
There are many different ways:
Reduce inflammation of acne
Rebalance gut balance by boosting good bacteria and prevent the growth of bad bacteria
Strengthen the lining of the gut to stop “leaky gut”, which can lead to acne
Promote gut health and maintain regular bowel movements – people with acne are more likely to have digestive issues too, including constipation and bloating. Helping with this can help heal acne
Help manage the effects of stress – acne and spots can be triggered by stress. Supporting our mental health with a healthy gut can help our skin
Foods that are Naturally Rich in Probiotics
You don’t need to splash a lot of money on fancy probiotic supplements – there are simple and easy foods out there that are rich in probiotics, and these are usually fermented foods. Fermentation is a food process where carbohydrates are naturally converted to organic acids using yeast or bacteria. It’s good for you and tastes pretty great!
Kimchi – a popular Korean dish made from fermented cabbage, carrots, garlic, and other vegetables
Sauerkraut – similar to kimchi with the same fermentation process but just with cabbage
Kombucha – a fermented tea that is slightly fizzy and flavourful. You can get tasty flavours like strawberry and lemon and ginger
Kefir – a cultured dairy product that tastes great in smoothies
Miso – a seasoning in Japanese food, like miso soup and miso paste
Probiotic yoghurt – look for yoghurts that contain live cultures and minimal added sugar (sugar can irritate the skin)
Using the Stephanie K Cell Regenerating Face Oil together with a balanced gut friendly diet helps maintaining a healthy glowing skin. Learn about our amazing ingredients!
This information is not intended as and does not constitute medical claims or advice, and should therefore not replace the advice of trained medical professionals and healthcare service providers. This information must not be used for diagnosis, treatment, prevention, or cure of diseases or other medical conditions for oneself or others. People with health issues and medical conditions should seek the assistance of properly trained healthcare providers.